Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Blessed Valentines 2011!

It's been some time since we last blogged, so well, hello everyone! :) There has been many changes since last year, and while we are ready to share all about it, work and other stuff call for a greater priority. Hopefully with more time to ourselves, we can finally start sorting out the many pictures and sharing alittle of our lives :)

Though i'm proud to say that i've finally cleared the SD card from good ole trusty Nikon and create 15 (yikes!) folders of photos. Apparently the last time i officially cleared and stored everything properly was like, last November, before Europe!

Meanwhile, Blessed Valentines all. I shall shamelessly share my lovely bouquets from the even lovelier husband who unbashfully showers his wife with so much love :) The first one came last Friday, in time for Crazy Love, while the second one was a total surprise on Valentines day itself. Now each time i look at it at home, it warms me up inside.

Now, whoever you spent this Valentine with, remember that Jesus shall be your eternal Valentine. He has tonnes of flowers and an everlasting love for you and me.


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