Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Siblings - mostly love

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I love this photo because it shows how the two little cheeky monsters are playing with each other first thing in the morning. Neither of them are really engaging the other party but in their own ways and their own baby language they are playing along side and sharing.. Noah looks on at what Shanah is playing with and gets intrigued, demanding to eat whatever jiejie is doing. Shanah peppers on in her own ways and occasionally goes, 'Noah, see this? For you!'

Ah, such young tender love.

For awhile. Hahah.

Mostly we have Shanah, the prefect, coming to me saying, 'Mummy, see Noah put this in his mouth' or 'Mummy, Noah snatch my toys'.

When Noah was first born, we introduced him as 'Noah Didi Boy' to Shanah and the name kinda stuck for a couple of months. It was really cute watching her proudly introduce her brother like that. I knew the moment wouldn't last for long and true enough, it ended after i proudly told my friends how cute she sounded and she caught on and learnt quickly that that ain't her brother's real name. These days she refuses to call him didi and prefers to address him as Noah.

They fight (the boy screams when you take the toy he's playing with) and bicker all day but when you try to take Noah away from his sister, she screams in protest. Not the i-know-you-are-kidding scream but the real deal. She refuses to be apart from him and from a young age she understood that her brother is here to stay. A couple of weekends ago I told Shanah that we were gonna have a mother-daughter thing and watch a ballet together, just us. I thought it was a great idea and she would be thrilled (i certainly was!) ... well, let's just say i was disappointed. Her first response was, 'where will Daddy and Noah be? I want to be with them' BAH! All these spend time with individual child nonsense. Ok, i take that back. I think it works well for older children, whom you have real conversations with. Perhaps i'll try again in 6 months.

Noah adores his sister. When he was still an infant, his gaze would follow after her. Today, the first thing he does each morning (after giving me a heartbreaker smile that is) is to look for his jiejie and climb all over her. He goes when she goes, in the room, out of the room, in the kitchen, out of the kitchen. He wants to play whatever she plays and do whatever she does. Which makes home learning alittle tricky with a 10-month-old trying to eat stickers and play with paint/scissors (yikes!).

And have i mentioned that they sleep in synchrony too? Isn't it amazing how God created siblings to be similar in the cutest ways? Like how they turn when they sleep and how angelic they both look - same same but different.

If anything, these little ones have been teaching mean what love means - doesn't mean its perfect all the time, but it's the real deal - raw and real, unafraid to fail and love again.


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