Tuesday, July 28, 2009

4 more months!

sorry for not blogging for so long...been busy adjusting to my new job! sneaking a few minutes to post, since matz complained that i have not been blogging!

A few things up. firstly it has been a great 2 weeks (?) at my new place. we had a popiah party yesterday! awesome stuff! all home made by aunty joyce - fantastic stuff!

getting used to the routine of work, the exciting thing being that you never know what can happen. every step well done is expected. any mistakes costly! haha talk about job discipline.

well on the wedding, please pray for us! we have to confirm our israel trip by 31 jul - waiting for matz to decide.

the venue has issues too - COS (MP) keeps renovating! and it's only done in Dec! maybe we should change church location? thinking of serangoon gardens...super ulu...also don't know if they will lend!

things are getting exciting over at the ministry front - we'rework planning our cell outing and zone level outreach event.

i remember during one of my interviews before starting work, was that i hoped to leave a place better then when i first join. i hope i can do that =)

k back to work le!

Monday, July 27, 2009

in less than 60 minutes...

we will be watching the '4' at the countdown board turn to '3'...
we have officially less than 4 months to the wedding!
I told myself that we would be prepared 3 months from the wedding. What wishful thinking!!

On another separate note, i got proposed to by some random European guy in Plaza Sing. He had such sparkling and earnest eyes! I was honestly flattered and nearly said yes... but alas, Isaiah has more convincing words :) Hhehee *cowers for some hiding place before i get tickled to death.

a quick shot at tiffany!

ahha! Some real wedding updates. Hehehehe.

So many colours, see until blur! *rubs eyes x1000 times on behalf of Mummy and Yiyi who spent so many afternoons in Arab Street! *hugs!

And finally, we are decided :) :) Check out the centre blue and the one on the left side. Half of the bridesmaids will be wearing Tiffany Blue while the other half will don a blue that's a shade darker :)

Spent the weekend going for marriage prep, checking out Ion with Isaiah with suffered from claustrophobia (it's mad crowded. we ended up eating @ wheelock instead!), and pretty much walking around in a sleep daze on Sunday :) Well, it's a start to a brand new week... and we hope everyone has an awesome start to it! Start it with a great breakfast and a funky video from Mr. Brown. God bless and protect :)

Friday, July 24, 2009


... a change in mindset can make a world of difference. It affects how you think, and consequentially, how you feel and react to things.

Sorry for the lack of proper wedding updates, been pretty busy lately with work. It dawned upon me yesterday that i only have a couple more weeks to prepare the kids for their national exams. *Scrambles for battle plan.

Hopefully i'll have more time over the weekends to play with the computer at home. Presently, its a white elephant (pun intended cos it's white :))... especially since i've been possessed by the zz monster after 10...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I *hugs* mummy's bread

Mummy makes the best foccacia-chicken breast sandwiches. Whenever she does it, we will snatch it up like hot cakes. Isaiah always gets his share too. This morning, I grabbed 2 for myself and 1 for him.

So anyway, we were arguing about something this morning on my ride to work (the ride only lasts 5 mins at 6.30am. tee hee hee)... and i was so upset that i decided to keep all three of the palm sized bread for myself. Ahhhhhhhh, it's goooooooooood :)

** still licking my fingers from the yummilicious bread
*** edit - i am waaay toooo bloated!

Sneak Preview - Bridesmaids' dress :)

The colours are just right. Almost there!

Isn't this soooo prettttty. Love the stamp art!

So cute! I want my flower girls to wear polka dotted skirts :)

You wouldn't catch me doing that.. more likely to be on the floor :)

Courtesy of Huge Forte Photography

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Missing Perth in times of madness

Just a quick note to say how much we miss the time in Perth, where work was far away and all our days were happy and gay (hey, it rhymes!). Especially when things are getting pretty mad right now; the days in Perth seems nothing short of heavenly.

This snapshot was taken at Swan Valley, our very first stop of our photo shoot. I remember having so much fun enjoying the skies/wine with Isaiah and being snapped by CF that i forgotten that I've got a camera of my own. This one was a very quick one taken out of the car's window before we moved on to Fremantle for the day :)

Gotten a few things done thus far - bought the Bridesmaid clothe with Mummy and Yiyi, settled their dinner clothes (*yay!), semi-confirmed Bridal Party list, looked at the program for the day... and discovered very funky stuff that makes me want to pull my hair out in frustration.

Ah wells :) In madness, I thank God that we bought this book in Koorong (coolest Christian bookstore in OZ! And also the cause of our borderline overweight bags) that's centres around the verse Romans 8:28. I'm halfway through it (and i stopped for a few weeks.. haha)... but at least the verse is not far from my mind.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those
who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

Monday, July 13, 2009

meet Woofy!

Pure Joy :) - happy 52nd month!


p.s. it's been 52 months since Isaiah first held my hand :) wow!
Praise God for the good days, and thank God for the rainy ones.
Because the former brings us much joy while the latter makes us stronger.

Monday, July 6, 2009

God's Best

Read this from a colleague's blog. Incidentally, we managed to meet up in Perth - though the time spent was not long enough to catch up. If you reading this dear WL, have fun for us back here in school! :)

Today I heard from a YWAM (Youth With A Mission) teacher tell us about John, a Norwegian, who was in a missionary team that he led to Thailand. One day, God impressed upon the teacher to give a word to John, which he eventually did. So he went to John and said, “John, God gave me this word to tell you. You may think I'm crazy, but God said He has a wonderful plan for you. He's going to make you a great evangelist to the nations, along the lines of Billy Graham.”

John just looked straight into the teacher's eyes, expressionless. Then he said, “Yes, I know. In fact, you're the third person who's telling me this.” The teacher was floored that he had under his mentorship the next Billy Graham.

John continued, “But I don't want it. I want to go home to Norway, work as an accountant, get a nice house and live a normal, comfortable life.”

Today, John has acheived his dream, working as an accountant in Norway, living in a nice house. What a tragedy, missing out on God's glorious, wonderful plan for his life. Are you surrendered to God's best for you?

quick snapshots from Perth!

The world's our stage while we are young. :)

But will we be like this when the lines on our faces become obvious?

I'll be there for you, through all the excitement that life brings...

... as long as you promise to feed me yummy ice-cream for the rest of your life :)

Thank God for an amazing time in Perth with awesome company :) Will blog more photos!

On another note altogether, where oh where did my time fly to?
We are preparing ourselves for a busy time back at work. Hopefully i'll be able to sit down and finally get started on the wedding notebook cum Perth scrap book and the super-extremely-very-long to do list.

Please pray for efficiency and wisdom.. and discipline too :) And since you are on it, pray also for our creativity juice, as well as our administrative juices to start pouring out. heh!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

gorgeous skies + fun with ps!

Being home has given me much time to dabble with the computer and photoshop - something i've been wanting to do for ages.

The building looks tad too yellow but i'm happy that the sky's so blue. Blue skies make people high, you know that? Check out the moon at the right top corner!

Reminds me of my younger days where i frequently went, '...because the sky so high!'

Day 4 or is it 5?

What day is it today? Is it tuesday? Or Wednesday?

I've completely lost track of time because we are stuck at home! :) After the H1N1 incident (oops, we are still in it), almost everyone in the travelling party are quarantined at home. I will never forget how to spell quarantine now. And just for the records, the twitter updates at the side are Isaiah's, not mine. He's so hot he's been getting visits from CISCO! Me, i'm just stuck at home, dateless. Nobardy norbardy nobardy wants to meet potential H1N1 people...

So anyway, it's the 4th, 5th, hmm *stares at fingers*, day of staying at home. I'm trying very hard to mark because everytime my colleague comes online, i've an e-freaking session with her on how my kids are going for their national exams.. and how the cher is stuck at home.

But apparently, the e-freak outs are not enough to get me marking. So here am i blogging about my interesting days :)

Here's what i see on a daily basis.

One day when i came home for school (when i was still schooling), Daddy asked me what colour i want my walls to be. I took a ponder and went apple green, excitedly pointing at the colour swatches in the paint books.

Few days later, i have a glorious green room to call my own :) I love my Daddy!

And our best Mummy-in-the-world simply loves bedsheets, so the yellow's contributed by her and her promise to bring her kids the best bedsheets in the world!

I love how the colours in my room clashes in such a beautiful way.

I was snapping pictures for my mum when i realised. Oh, what glorious skies we have today! :) These are things i missed out when i'm in the classroom breathing down people's necks.

As i'm typing this, i'm getting my daily dose of vitamin D.
Once again, glorious sunset right at my window.

To sound more intellectual, i googled the difference between 'comprain', 'complain' and 'complaint'. Never again shall we make the same mistakes huh!

'Comprain' - the singaporean way of complaining. Might cause pain if overused.
'Complain' is a verb (action word) as in 'he's here to complain again!'
'Complaint' is a noun (things) as in 'he's here to lodge a complaint..'

Please stay tune for more lessons. :)

Oh yeah, happy birthday OCX!!

My birthday present is to make him slimmer. hahaha.

We go waaaay back all the way to Secondary School where this guy was so happily suaning me when he doesn't even know who i was or how i looked like. Apparently, when his brothers go 'ta lai le (translated - she's here)', he will start the suaning party! But that was also the start of a blossoming friendship.

I thank God that i have a wonderful brother-in-Christ and a friend for life. He've always been there for me, and i can only hope that i can be there for him each time he needs my friendship and help. It's such joy to see OCX and Isaiah getting along well. The only thing he owes me is A MEGA BIG HUMONGOUS ANG BAO for introducing the love of his life - my best friend - to him.

Just to put the records straight, i didn't turn up for those threesome meet ups on purpose! So that you both have a chance to learn more about each other! *laa laaa laaa!

Happy Birthday brother. May the new year bring you new revelations and so much blessings and expansion of your territory that's beyond your imagination.

'Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we
ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us'
Eph 3:20

Time for simpsons!


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