Sunday, May 30, 2010

Patience: One of the 1232312454958 flowers @ Cradle Mountain, Tasmania

Quick one from yesterday's sermon:

If Christ took 30 years to prepare Himself for 3 years of ministry, what does it teach us about patience? :)

Friday, May 28, 2010

it's been six sweet beautiful months

It's been 6 wonderful months :) And i'm not gonna spend our precious time together blogging, so more updates laters guys! Thank God we've not pile on too much weight. ahahahahaa :)

'A good marriage is a place where we are seen and loved,
secure in the knowledge that our heart is being trusted as good,
thought the best of, and even delighted in.
Marriage is the relationship that
provides the most hope for times of rest
- a respite from the world of needing to prove ourselves -
from having to work so hard to
make ourselves understood and known.
Instead, marriage is the place where
we are meant to be able to 'let down'
and be our truest selves;
to be known, loved and welcomed.
In that place, our souls and bodies can rest
into each other's loving embrace'

John & Staci Eldredge, Love & War

Monday, May 24, 2010

You will never want to miss this inflight safety video

I grabbed this off Liwen's facebook - who grabbed it off someone else - who grabbed it off Thomson Airways, a UK based airline.

So smart - everybody will totally listen to the in-flight safety video for once! :)

Marilyn's back today. Yay!! :)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Forget Mac's Cinnamon Melts, here's the real heartmelt

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."
Mark 10:14

I had the lovely benefit of photographing these kids during their Sunday School lesson last weekend. It's such an awesome feeling watching them, colouring the fruits of the spirits, wondering about what colour the durians should be, and bragging about how their daddys bought them rambutans. Such innocence and trust touches one so deeply.

Kids at this age are also such a great sport. As long as they are comfortable with you, they relax and show you their natural funny antics without shying away from the lens. Amazing. :)

Wokays, with markings (and mad crazy mad crazy mad timeline) out of the way, it's time to talk about our wedding! Photos incoming :) Yippie Yiippe Duupp!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


So busy for the past few days.
It's amazing how time flies when we're drowning in work!
But let's not lose focus on the important things in life yeah? Or rather, the MOST IMPORTANT PERSON!
Jesus and the Cross - were it not for my beautiful Saviour - in my sin I would still dwell.
"Blessed Redeemer, Jesus is mine.
Oh what a foretaste of mercy divine"

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I'm sitting in my office right now.
Thinking that..... I WANT TO QUIT! Haha :)
There must be more than this.
But, why would I want to quit?
Hmm... office politics, meaningless work, boring job... I think the list goes on.
Then I remember what the Bible says - Let your good deeds shine before men that they may praise our Father in heaven.
If there are no 'lights' in the marketplace, who will show them Jesus?
So I stay...stay till it's time the Lord opens my eyes to His plans.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

proof that i'm really very sick of marking

Assuming a teacher has 300 scripts to mark. Given that the teacher has 7 days to complete the entire stack (yes, sadly teachers work over the weekend too):


Calculate how many scripts the teacher must mark per day to complete her marking



Assuming the teacher has other duties to attend to for 3 hours per day (well, you know), and spends the rest of the day marking (with no sleep), calculate how many scripts she must mark per day to complete her marking in time.



Given that the teacher’s speed of marking is x, calculate the diminishing marginal rate of return for this teacher.


ponder a wonder

'Truth is always stranger than fiction. We craft fiction to match our sense of how things ought to be, but truth cannot be crafted. Truth is, and truth has a way of astonishing us to our knees, reminding us that the universe does not exist to fulfill our expectations.

Because we are imperfect beings who are self-blinded to the truth of the world’s stunning complexity, we shave reality into paper-thin theories and ideologies that we can easily grasp, and we call them truths. But the truth of a sea, in all its immensity, cannot be embodied in one tide-washed pebble.'

Dean Koontz, A Big Little Life

Many struggle with understanding how wide, how deep, how high and how long God's love is - and sadly, many see their incompetence in understand the abstractly simple concept of agape love as God's inability to love them past their pains and hurt. The truth however, is far from that. Just because we are unable to love past a certain undoing doesn't mean God can't. Just because we cannot believe that He loves us, doesn't mean he stopped loving you. And just because you feel too unwanted and incorrigibly horrible, doesn't mean he can't see past those hurts and reach for your heart.

Just because you can't imagine Him loving you, doesn't mean that He can't.

And He does :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

what a wonderful way to start the week

It's off-in-lieu today *does a few virtual cartwheels cos i can't do it in real life*... and we'll back at work marking like mad to meet the deadline. But it's great to wake up lazily, waay past Mr Sunshine and stroll down to get a nice brekkie before hitting the roads for work. When the day starts right, it feels like you are right in Tuscany, enjoying cups after cups of delicious afternoon tea and scones.

... and what a wonderful way to start the week with such a sweet and inspiring couple like the one we see above. It's the simplicity of love and life that brings us back on our feets, reminding us that life doesn't have to be as complicated as we may periodically make it out to be.

Have a good one guys :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010


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