Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Flying solo plus one

I kid you not, flying alone with a toddler isn't exactly for the faint hearted. Given a choice, i would always fly with the Daddy so that there's always someone to turn to for a quick toilet break or a mini me-time. If first class isn't an option, consider a flight with full economy services and more leg space for the little one to explore. The major airlines usually reserve the first row seats for passengers with infants (classified to be under 2 years). This allows for the bassinet to be in place and much leg space to wander (for both toddler and parent). Full economy flights also provide meals and toys for the little ones, so that thankfully, does distract them for quite abit of time.

We have been really blessed to be able to travel to Hong Kong quite a bit this year. Most flights were taken with the Daddy but after paying exorbitant prices for a short 4-hour flight, I decided to heck it and go for the budget option which was slightly more than half price. Brave, i know.

So here's what worked for me when flying with my little one.

1) Choose a flight where your child will spend the most time asleep.

The flight there was a breeze. The front row seats for Jetstar Asia were reserved for passengers who paid more, but they reserved the second row for passengers traveling with infants. Good enough for me! Because we chose a super early flight (6.30am), Shanah slept through most of the flight, waking only to nurse. Success!

2) Bring along a few of your child's favourite snacks

The flight back was a challenge - it was right smack in the afternoon and Shanah managed a 1.5 hour nap. When she woke and fussed, i took out some grapes (her favorite then), which kept her occupied for quite a bit. When she grew restless from sitting on my lap, I placed her on the minute space between my seat and the seat in front while she picked on more grapes. When the grapes lost their attraction, i began rummaging for crackers, which quickly lost their powers due to the law of diminishing marginal returns.

3) Prepare a flight bag of activities (books, toys, etc)

Shanah gets a new book each time we fly because a new book always appeal to her for the longest time. Sometimes I buy them ahead and keep them for the flight while other times i simply bring along an old favourite that she hasn't read for awhile.

We also downloaded some kids app on the iPad as a last resort. I like the idea of the iPad as a special treat so that we can use it to bribe and cajole a screaming baby. Unfortunately when this baby wants to scream, she simply screams. 

4) Always have the ultimate bribe prepared

The ultimate plane survival was... Ben & Jerry's ice cream! Thank you Jetstar for carrying that!! I don't know any toddler who can resist ice-cream, especially when allowed to feed themselves with spoon, hands, fingers and toes. :) I didn't hadve the hands or energy to capture good photos, so here's one with a really happy girl and her ice cream. 

5) When all fails, grit your teeth and give the little one loads of cuddles and kisses

It's tough being little and kept in a confined space :)


Well, there are actually a bunch of other practical stuff that i always carry along - like my usual baby bag, TONNES of wet & dry tissue, water, gummies (in case the ears get blocked due to air pressure) and a toy or two. I heard of some people who feed their babies cough medication to get them to sleep - though i have my reservations about this.

If you are looking for more advice, hop over here - not the best, but pretty sound! 

P.s. If you are flying for the first time, one of the main concern would be your baby handling the change in air pressure during ascend and descent. Allowing them to suckle or drink fluids will help them handle it better.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Canopy at Bishan Park

I still can't get over the fact that it's already November. November smells like Christmas on the doorstep, it smells like holidays coming along and if we try really hard, we may imagine snow flakes on our windows despite the warm humid weather. It's the time of the year people feel little more relaxed and the atmosphere is generally happier, chipper and well, merrier. I'm getting excited thinking about what lies ahead of us for the rest of the year, the projects i wish i would do (and may never get around doing) and the things we would prepare for Christmas.

And just like that, it's been a full school year since we made the decision for me to stay home and take care of the little one. It's getting really enjoyable and I'm proud to say that I've acquired a few skills of my own. Meanwhile, a much slower pace of life and loads more free time also made a happier me. Weekends for one are no longer a rush to get things done, enjoy ourselves and complete a thousand other things we wished we could do during the week. And I find myself finding great joy in a slow brunch and a cup of coffee with the family.

Canopy Garden Dining 
Bishan Park 2
1382 Ang Mo Kio Ave 1

Day @ Bishan Park

Day @ Bishan Park

Day @ Bishan Park

Day @ Bishan Park

Day @ Bishan Park

Day @ Bishan Park

To be honest, this wouldn't count as a food review because the only photos i have of the food are the one with pancakes and steamed milk. Food isn't incredibly impressive; we recall eating a better version of everything else elsewhere. The price on the other hand lies on the lower end of the recent cafes bubble in Singapore, pretty reasonable if you ignore the fact that you are not in town. What really beats hand down is the ambiance and friendly staff in this cafe - we pretty much made ourselves at home and sat for as long as a toddler could endure (couple of hours). The staff didn't mind the little one wandering around and the neighbourhood crowd was friendly too.

Day @ Bishan Park

Day @ Bishan Park

Day @ Bishan Park

And the best part of it all? Being able to wander around Bishan Park to walk off the full tummies and allow the little one to run wild! I like to imagine we are in Australia or something, surrounded by nature and blue skies.

Day @ Bishan Park

Day @ Bishan Park

Day @ Bishan Park
Current fascination - Umbrellas and bags

And that made a perfect Saturday for me. Loads of sunshine and love :) Blog soon again, i hope! Haha.


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