Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Flying solo plus one

I kid you not, flying alone with a toddler isn't exactly for the faint hearted. Given a choice, i would always fly with the Daddy so that there's always someone to turn to for a quick toilet break or a mini me-time. If first class isn't an option, consider a flight with full economy services and more leg space for the little one to explore. The major airlines usually reserve the first row seats for passengers with infants (classified to be under 2 years). This allows for the bassinet to be in place and much leg space to wander (for both toddler and parent). Full economy flights also provide meals and toys for the little ones, so that thankfully, does distract them for quite abit of time.

We have been really blessed to be able to travel to Hong Kong quite a bit this year. Most flights were taken with the Daddy but after paying exorbitant prices for a short 4-hour flight, I decided to heck it and go for the budget option which was slightly more than half price. Brave, i know.

So here's what worked for me when flying with my little one.

1) Choose a flight where your child will spend the most time asleep.

The flight there was a breeze. The front row seats for Jetstar Asia were reserved for passengers who paid more, but they reserved the second row for passengers traveling with infants. Good enough for me! Because we chose a super early flight (6.30am), Shanah slept through most of the flight, waking only to nurse. Success!

2) Bring along a few of your child's favourite snacks

The flight back was a challenge - it was right smack in the afternoon and Shanah managed a 1.5 hour nap. When she woke and fussed, i took out some grapes (her favorite then), which kept her occupied for quite a bit. When she grew restless from sitting on my lap, I placed her on the minute space between my seat and the seat in front while she picked on more grapes. When the grapes lost their attraction, i began rummaging for crackers, which quickly lost their powers due to the law of diminishing marginal returns.

3) Prepare a flight bag of activities (books, toys, etc)

Shanah gets a new book each time we fly because a new book always appeal to her for the longest time. Sometimes I buy them ahead and keep them for the flight while other times i simply bring along an old favourite that she hasn't read for awhile.

We also downloaded some kids app on the iPad as a last resort. I like the idea of the iPad as a special treat so that we can use it to bribe and cajole a screaming baby. Unfortunately when this baby wants to scream, she simply screams. 

4) Always have the ultimate bribe prepared

The ultimate plane survival was... Ben & Jerry's ice cream! Thank you Jetstar for carrying that!! I don't know any toddler who can resist ice-cream, especially when allowed to feed themselves with spoon, hands, fingers and toes. :) I didn't hadve the hands or energy to capture good photos, so here's one with a really happy girl and her ice cream. 

5) When all fails, grit your teeth and give the little one loads of cuddles and kisses

It's tough being little and kept in a confined space :)


Well, there are actually a bunch of other practical stuff that i always carry along - like my usual baby bag, TONNES of wet & dry tissue, water, gummies (in case the ears get blocked due to air pressure) and a toy or two. I heard of some people who feed their babies cough medication to get them to sleep - though i have my reservations about this.

If you are looking for more advice, hop over here - not the best, but pretty sound! 

P.s. If you are flying for the first time, one of the main concern would be your baby handling the change in air pressure during ascend and descent. Allowing them to suckle or drink fluids will help them handle it better.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Canopy at Bishan Park

I still can't get over the fact that it's already November. November smells like Christmas on the doorstep, it smells like holidays coming along and if we try really hard, we may imagine snow flakes on our windows despite the warm humid weather. It's the time of the year people feel little more relaxed and the atmosphere is generally happier, chipper and well, merrier. I'm getting excited thinking about what lies ahead of us for the rest of the year, the projects i wish i would do (and may never get around doing) and the things we would prepare for Christmas.

And just like that, it's been a full school year since we made the decision for me to stay home and take care of the little one. It's getting really enjoyable and I'm proud to say that I've acquired a few skills of my own. Meanwhile, a much slower pace of life and loads more free time also made a happier me. Weekends for one are no longer a rush to get things done, enjoy ourselves and complete a thousand other things we wished we could do during the week. And I find myself finding great joy in a slow brunch and a cup of coffee with the family.

Canopy Garden Dining 
Bishan Park 2
1382 Ang Mo Kio Ave 1

Day @ Bishan Park

Day @ Bishan Park

Day @ Bishan Park

Day @ Bishan Park

Day @ Bishan Park

Day @ Bishan Park

To be honest, this wouldn't count as a food review because the only photos i have of the food are the one with pancakes and steamed milk. Food isn't incredibly impressive; we recall eating a better version of everything else elsewhere. The price on the other hand lies on the lower end of the recent cafes bubble in Singapore, pretty reasonable if you ignore the fact that you are not in town. What really beats hand down is the ambiance and friendly staff in this cafe - we pretty much made ourselves at home and sat for as long as a toddler could endure (couple of hours). The staff didn't mind the little one wandering around and the neighbourhood crowd was friendly too.

Day @ Bishan Park

Day @ Bishan Park

Day @ Bishan Park

And the best part of it all? Being able to wander around Bishan Park to walk off the full tummies and allow the little one to run wild! I like to imagine we are in Australia or something, surrounded by nature and blue skies.

Day @ Bishan Park

Day @ Bishan Park

Day @ Bishan Park
Current fascination - Umbrellas and bags

And that made a perfect Saturday for me. Loads of sunshine and love :) Blog soon again, i hope! Haha.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Celebrating Mothers

I recently attended an event which saluted a group of one hundred mums in their participation for a future technology related project. By the sound of that, one would expect that the mums involved would mostly be young, hip and beautiful. In actual fact, they came from all walks of life. The working mothers, the SAHMs, those doing part time work and juggling childcare, and so on. But they were all beautiful indeed.

As I watched each of them walk up the stage to collect their token of appreciation, a thought struck me. All these ladies were mothers and all of them were going through similar struggles (and lots of joy) that I'm going through. I was awe struck and humbled by this simple fact: no matter how they look on the outside, all these mothers all share a strong love for their child and a deep desire to see them grow well.

Allow me to explain further. There was a mum who was dressed a little like a manga character. She had her hair dyed in a bright colour and her choice of clothes was pretty interesting. Without sounding too presumptuous, I believe many wouldn't have expect her to be a mum. But she is one indeed. The impeccably lady next to me spotted a huge diamond ring and an air of importance about her. She might be some big shot in a company, but she's still a mom. And of course we have the ones who were dressed casually or those who like myself, the one arm bandits (the other hand holds the child). Though vastly different, we were all mothers.

I used to think myself as rather sacrificial for choosing to take care of little S. This event however, has taught me that I'm not alone in this journey, and there's really no reason to go about sticking my nose in the air and act all important and awesome. Some mothers choose to balance their jobs and family for whatever reasons. And I salute them, because it's not easy; in fact I find it terrifyingly hard. Some found other arrangements that best suit them. Whatever jobs these mothers hold, whatever arrangements they have, in many ways more than one, I believe they make sacrifices everyday. All for the love of their children.

This year I celebrate my very first Mothers' Day. This time last year I was spotting an incredibly fashionable bump and experienced my first hyperventilation from work. This year, I'm blessed to be able to enjoy a nice afternoon waffle and pen this down (all with one hand). But physical changes aside, I have also matured. I've come to learn that we are all indeed more similar than what i initially thought. Mothers for one, are united by the love for their children. The things that I use to hold in high regard all these years all pale in comparison to this simple, yet astounding fact.

My mummy would insist we do nothing because it's all a commercial gimmick. But I take Mothers' Day very seriously, more so now as a Mum. We should go about thanking our mums and showering them with love everyday. And even more so on Mothers' Day, just because. No reason needed to sprinkle the little extra love.

This Mothers' Day I salute all mothers. For their love and sacrifice that I can't find the right words to aptly describe. But especially so, i salute my own mum, for being my inspiration, my role model and my constant pillar of support.

Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law. (Romans 13:8 NIV84)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Enjoying now

So my sister bought herself an iPad with her first ever official salary. And that makes all of us so jealous, even little Shanah who couldn't keep her eyes and hands off the shiny and glittering smooth screen. She tried so hard to be part of the party, crawling and reaching out, standing on my legs, pulling my hair, just to get closer to the new woohoo.

A couple of thoughts ran through my head including an attempt to sound and feel intellectual by stating the different world our kids today are growing up in. But one thought stood out clear - my little girl's growing up. She's not going to crawl and globber over me for the new stuff all the time. One say she's gonna demand her own stuff and want to play them by herself. And pretty soon she'll be earning her own keep to buy her own stuff.

Getting alittle ahead of myself I know. But really these little fingers aren't gonna be small and chubby for long. Those cute cheeks and tummy will one day make its way for a ravishing young lady. I don't think I'll ever see her that way, she'll always be my little baby.

Be still my racing heart.

Have to treasure the moments. Trying to. Even the difficult ones that contain mainly screaming and whining. I love how she wants me. Still.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

We are back from Disneyland!

And we are back from Hong Kong, our first ever trip as a family of 3! That is if you don't count trips with Shanah in my tummy.

It's been an explosive and exciting trip. But mostly a very experiential and memorable journey to discover the joys of sharing the big world out there with our little girl and learning alittle bit more about the spouse. And i can't get over being able to spend so many days with the husband without him going to work. I believe our little girl was rather thrilled to have dada around all day! Less thrilled about being unable to crawl and explore on her own since we were constantly on the go.

More pictures coming soon I hope! Meanwhile the laundry basket is choked full of clothes and we gotta do something about it before it explodes or we run out of clothes to wear.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Worrier's worry woes

As much as I hate to admit it. I have evolved to be a worrier. I wish I can evolve myself back to the happy go lucky self of yesteryears where I should worry more for my term papers to do better in it. Then I go about worrying that I'm a worrier and that adds on to more worries. In fact, i worry that there's nothing to worry about because I might miss something in the process.

Slightly nuts. But being a parent, I want nothing but the best for my child and maybe one of the negative side effect for me would be this. Which is bad because it stops me from enjoying each fun time to its fullest. When I'm watching my little girl crawl in glee and speed, the back of my kind goes into worry mode. Sometimes i don't even know what I'm worried about.

So well I'm kinda sick of this something-might-be-wrong feeling. I figured if little S is not gaining enough weight, it's time to tackle the problem face on. If its about her school, then I should get started into the kiasu parents mode and start searching for one. And its about my future prospects as a SAHM, then I should just give it a try, either way. Cos worrying doesn't help.

But for my emotional and mental health, I should just admit that i'm one silly worrier and then quit being one. Just quit. Darn those silly hormones that never seem to go back to their pre-pregnancy stage.

The guys who coined the phrase Just Do It were wise. Just quit it worrying and start living! Quit it quit it quit it.

'Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.' Matthew 6:34

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Counting our Blessings

I'm staring at the toys in Shanah's room and wondering to myself, how can such a little person accumulate so much stuff? When put together all these toys are bigger than her. Well actually, many things are bigger than us. Our bed for one, and thankfully the TV is wider than me, for now. But really, first there was a little baby in the tummy who had no earthly possession. And then both grandma bought her cute dresses to die for, grantaunt got her beautiful shoes, mama and papa when alittle mad with many other things and loads of people gave us so many toys and clothes.

Thank you everyone, we are truly blessed. By your love, your generosity, warmth and kind words. But most of all, thank you Lord for our precious little girl who never fails to brighten our day.

I'm able to sit in Shanah's room to nurse and reflect because the husband's out there in the warzone with the vacuum and the mop. He hates cleaning and anything related to it. But for me and my slightly clinical obsession with cleanliness, he is now rather well acquainted with the various brands of detergent and cleaning tools. And I know he does it because he loves me from deep deep down down.

They say staying home is tough. Aside from the 24 hour work schedule, it can get alittle lonely at times - and in these crazy moments I actually crave work. Mad I know. At least my sanity is kept in check by nice warm dinners by daddy and mummy who gives Shanah her evening bathes when we are over. I especially love it when Shanah squeals in delight when she sees them. Grandma love. Shanah's happy and I get to use both hands - one hand on my phone and the other on the tv remote. Awesome.

Come weekends, the little one gets her dose of laughter and cuddles from Nana and some baby-raction with her cousins. Daddy gets to finally do his favourite thing - drink his tea and sink in front of the telly.

In quiet moments like these, I pause, ponder and thank God for everyone and everything we have been blessed with. Sure, not every moment is poo-free, but we live for the highs and hold on tight at the lows.

Life could be better...or worse. But since we can't predict that, I'm gonna ride on the waves and enjoy this quiet moment with the little girl.

Friday, March 30, 2012

A swollen tiny finger

DSC_1053 copy

When Shanah was about 2 months old, she started reaching out and touching the toys on her mobile. We were thrilled and really excited. Gradually, it progressed to pulling the toy, putting it into her mouth and biting it. Today she fights with the dragonfly and threatens to pull off the butterfly from the mobile altogether.

Those little hands really grab just about anything that can be grabbed. And if I were to say no, it made the object even more enticing.

So as I was preparing to blend her lunch today, her chubby little hands reached out to touch the steamer. I said no sharply and pulled her away. Naturally, she wasted no time in attempting to touch the steamer again. Which resulted in a huge long wail. Those kind that tells you something is wrong and baby isn't faking it.

When I took a good look at Shanah's fingers alittle later after soothing and nursing her to sleep, they were red and swollen. Oh my poor baby. It must have hurt alot. I can deal with wails, punches and kicks for now. But I don't think I can deal with a swollen tiny finger just yet.  :(

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hello Fishy Fishy

I used to think a trip to Sentosa would warrant the entire day. We should buy our snacks and pack our bag the night before, set off really early the next morning and then make full use of all the facilities we paid good money for before attempting to settle for a cheap dinner somewhere on the island. Which was why I've put off a trip for our little girl to Sentosa till i feel ready enough to pack my entire house and plan an entire day of activity for her.

Well, i was wrong. A trip to Sentosa could just simply be a trip to the Underwater World. We can head over somewhere around mid-afternoon, not pack the entire house and still have everyone very happy and satisfied. The little girl was as fascinated with the fishes as long as a baby's attention span could hold, and then alittle more. Isaiah was equally excited, if not more, for visiting the Underwater World for the first time. And I was just glad to have everyone happy and excited with something new.

Underwater World Sentosa

And the underwater scene was indeed breathtakingly beautiful.

Underwater World Sentosa

Underwater World Sentosa

Underwater World Sentosa

The main attraction in the Underwater World would be the 83-metre long travelator where you go through a tunnel with fishes swimming by your sides and over your head. Shanah was particularly fascinated with the huge fishes that were at least 2 to 3 times her size. The little girl even tried to reach out for them! There's also a sidewalk by the travelator if you wish to pop on and off for photos or just to establish some form of eye contact or communication with the fishes. We tried that. Maybe only the little one succeeded.

The main drawback of the trip was the crowd. People were everywhere. Each time we spotted a display or tank that we would like to see upclose, there would be someone there. And when it's finally our turn to see the sealife, we had to do so quickly to make way for the next person in line. Having throngs of people all around just made us feel alittle more kanchiong and kiasu. So when we realised that the crowd had dissipated for the dolphin show after our first round on the travelator, we heaved a sigh of relief and went for a second round.

Underwater World Sentosa

Underwater World Sentosa

Underwater World Sentosa

All in all, it was an awesome trip that's considerably fuss free. Recommended for families with babies and happy bellies!

Underwater World Sentosa


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