Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Year Posting

everyone seems to be posting new year posts, so i think we should too!

i'm sitting at home, about to be late for work..but hey haha...

it's been a whirlwind since our wedding. our honeymoon was awesome - Melbourne, Tasmania, Sydney. Then coming back for Christmas, then New Year. So my point? Too many holidays! I can't bear to go back to work =(

Won't blog about the honeymoon, but i have to say that i simply love Tasmania! God's little chilly eden. it's such a beautiful place. You know Psalm 23? Tasmania is the postcard man - Green hills, blue skys, woolly sheep and still waters - all over the place! The surroundings there bring such a sense of peace and calm. I wonder if God takes "days off" to walk in His creation, just like He did in Eden way back at the beginning? But i think He's given that privilege to us, so we've gotta enjoy it!

Anyway i've started in a new place at work and i hope i can get into the rhythm and start contributing soon. At the same time, i'm really have high hopes for 2010 that we can accomplish much in the ministry for the Lord. 2009 was a great start as we strengthened our engagement and relationship with the community around our church. i think it was quite cool that we just blasted the speakers and caroled right in front of the entire block!

oh anyway (sorry everything is so random cos i am rushing to go to work =p) something i learnt from our honeymoon. we visited ps Mark barnard's church in tasmania and the speaker of the day said this:

"I think in this day and age, the best testimony to people around is going to be a strong marriage. so make your marriage the most important thing this side of eternity"
amazing. it is not just about being powerful in the sense of being almost unreal. but i think what God wants of us sometimes is simply to live naturally supernatural lives. living life to the fullest (john 10:10). Imagine a day when children tell their friends that they are rushing home to hang out with their parents cos it's cool. what kind of impact would that have on his friends?

families are falling apart in this generation and the church (that's us!) has to show the way that God designed it to be.

And camp - the last message from Jon Wong was a great one. DREAMS. and friends, Dreams can come true. don't be held back by fear, by money or even tradition. Don't miss it! don't let go!

Once a pastor gave us this message - "Guys you guys are DREAMERS!" (I thought the pastor was scolding us!)

then he added - God knows you have big dreams, don't give up dreaming! keep dreaming!

i'm not sure if the message was for all of us then or just a specific person. BUT! how true it is. God knows your dreams - He put them there. Never Give Up.

I love my wife =)

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