Tuesday, August 24, 2010

children @ work!

*waves hi!!* It's been a loong time!

I must apologise for the lack of updates - except for a smattering of photos, there really wasn't any real update of our lives and what we have been up to. Just today, CF kindly reminded me that we have *gasp* yet to upload anything from our wedding, honeymoon, or anything related to it. Some wedding blog huh. Tsk!

Well, our only saving grace would be... a smattering of photos from other close friends' weddings! Hahaha. Which, to be honest, was pretty much what we were happily busy with for quite some time earlier on. I know I've mentioned this somewhere, but I'll do it again here ('cos it's always good to count our blessings! :)), that it's always such a joy and privilege to be part of something so special to the couple.

Over the 2 wedding weekends, we rented a couple of lenses (my fave being the f1.4 one. it's awesome!) to play with. I'm really bad at using the zoom lenses - pictures are usually blurry - but when it comes to capturing children playing at weddings with the 1.4, it's a complete joy. There's just something about capturing their expressions and their play that gets to me; i dare say that the joy of capturing them at their most innocent and carefree moments is almost indescribable :) Of course the 1.4 played a large role too. hehe. It was a pity we didn't get to use any of the rented lens much over the 2 weekends - but opportunities and chances will come, hopefully! :)

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little feet making big footsteps in the world

uh oh, he's part of the church deco now!


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Bubbles + kids = loads of fun, giggles and soap!

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smile sweetly for mummy :)


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a smile that goes right to the heart

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run with the wind, let no one hold you back

Meanwhile, we have heaps of stuff to share! YOG, wedding photos, foodies and holidays! I really can't wait to post them up... but now though, let me get my piece of furniture for our new place (our spanking new iMac!! :))) tidied up first. As of now, everything is err, on the desktop and in the good ole macbook :) And somewhere in between the tall order i've given myself, i'll slot in markings and lesson planning to be done in my real job. hahaha

Toodles guys, have a blessed week ahead!

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