Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Sept holidays so far!

We are midway through the September holidays. I love the week long holidays because they give us some time to recharge, not having to rush and have our schedule dictated by school runs, meals and naps. I rather like the idea of being somewhat laissez faire in our routines, such that the children do not have to nap by a certain timing, lest we face the ugly 1am sleep monster.

So, what have we done so far? Well, we...

Built a tent
Cooked up a storm
Stayed in a hotel
Sang out our hearts
Painted the skies
Ran around the race track
Played pretend... alot


With the exception of Hockey Pokey, we have been staying home really. Both littles took turns to run a fever. S' fever was especially scary, hitting 39.9 degrees one evening. We are praying that N is spared, so that we can continue our holiday plans for the rest of the week.

While the rest of the country is out celebrating and rocking all kinds of learning outdoors, I'm learning to be thankful. For the rest and from escaping the haze. The newspaper advised children, pregnant women and the elderly to avoid being outdoors and i guess since we hit 2 out of the 3 mentioned groups, we ought to heed their advice. :)

Really though, i'm enjoying watching the littles play together. I marvel at how far their imagination can take them and the pure giggles that explode from their exploit of the far ends of the earth. They are at such a precocious age, innocent enough to not demand that i bring them out, but daring and imaginative enough to make the most of what they have. And that i think, defines fun.

Took out our rusty camera to capture their master pieces! This is the first time they are drawing before painting their works in water colour. One depicts a flower garden while the other, a playground scene. Not too bad for children of a lazy mother who finally relented to let her children paint after countless demands!

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