Saturday, September 28, 2013

The sweetness of it all

I feel like superwoman.

No really, I really feel like supermom today. Between 10 diapers, 5 baths (not including mine), numerous clothes changes (again not including mine because who has time for that?), boogies, boo-boo kisses, story book reading, hugs, cuddles and meltdowns, I really feel quite super.

I'm learning this week to not dwell on the toughies and to take much joys in the highs. The little boy peed on himself/me/the bed? Naahh, it's just pee, it's alright. Shanah poo-ed into her newly changed diapers after her bathe? It's ok, just another diaper change.

Instead, I'm trying to dwell more on the sweetness of my children. The sweetness that comes with Shanah giving me a smile after popping up from her sleep in the morning, Noah smiling when i pick him up from bed, cuddles after bathe, reading together.. and even the diaper changes. Because one day, i know I'm gonna miss all of these.  Even the 1000 'Mummy what's this?' questions and even more so the pretend play, the baby negotiation, the cheeky smile when she asks for a jelly or Yakult and her going, 'Mummy are you happy now?' to check if I'm still upset at her.

I think too often I allow a single bad event of the day to dominate my feelings and emotions. I allow it to take control and then declare it a horrid day, hence allowing everything that follows through to be horrid. You know what? Horrid only makes more horrid.

Recently I overheard a mother using words like 'get lost' and 'go away' to her teenage daughter. Not judging, but I wouldn't want to be the one at the receiving end of such words. And I really hope I wouldn't do the same.

And then when it gets really tough, like during naptimes, I pray for sleep to come soon.. or the hubs to return home from work early as a surprise :)

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Precious gifts

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