Friday, March 7, 2014

Traveling with Tots: Stanley Beach, Hong Kong

Back in 2012 we were traveling to Hong Kong on a monthly basis, partially on work and leisure. While the traveling did take a heavy toll on our pockets, the experience in this buzzing city was memorable and very rich. Shanah came along with us on each trip and while Isaiah was busy donning his working gear, the little girl and I trooped around town in our carrier.

We are no strangers to the MTR and cha chang tengs in HK. Though i have to admit that the lunch crowds do scare me and the lack of nursing rooms leaves much to be desired in this area. We would avoid the lunch crowds (and grumpy overworked waiters) and make trips back to the hotel for naps and feeds. Besides these though, we learned that 3pm was a great time to have egg tarts at Honolulu cafe (less crowd less haste) and that the nooks and crannies of this metropolitan city often leaves us pleasantly surprised.

One weekend, the Yans brought us and a few others along to Stanley Beach for a leisurely walk. Directions here are complicated (something involving walking to an interchange in central, buses and transfer) and i believe you can easily find better instructions on google maps :) But it's definately worth the hassle. The roads are windy and we watched on in slight fear as a fellow lady passenger retched on the way down. Tip to brave souls: face front, look ahead and prepare a plastic bag.

Stanley Beach on a weekend is crowded with tourists, families and Hong Kongers in search for a respite from the metropolitan city. There a splattering of touristy shops (prices are not the best but not that steep) and a mishmash of western and eastern delicacies. For children, there's a playground and the area is often visited by the Mobile Softee. It's well worth a trip to escape from all the shopping and eating madness!

Alright, enough ramblings. I'll let the pictures take over.


HK 2

HK 3

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HK 7

HK 10

HK 5


HK 4


HK 8

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HK 9

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Oh our little little Shanah, those first little steps and toothless grins :)

1 comment:

Isaiah said...

Super nice pictures!!


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