Tuesday, November 10, 2009

18 days: its the jitters

As a closing question to the entire marriage preparation course, i asked our pastor: Why do people get married? Isn't it better to be single, attached and well, gay?

Perhaps not the best question to test my understanding of the entire course :)

Each morning i wake up, i blink a few times and i try to remember what month it is. Each time i realised it's November, i do a mental freak out. ITS NOVEMBER!!!!!!!!!! D-day is here! I must be honest and tell you that I'm feeling scared and confused. Most times i feel like a kid in the body of a 2x year old person. And this kid is getting married? You got to be kidding me!

I try to sit down and think about the wedding, discuss it through with our dearest ocx cum superb wedding coordinator... but each time i think about it, i freak out. It's tough getting your emotions in check as you think through the details! In fact, i started out really wanting to write how i felt in this post... so that when i revisit this blog after the honeymoon or something, i would remember how i feel. The feeling however, is too immense to put into words.

I had it real bad last saturday. The bridesmaids were having tea at the lovely Royal Copenhagen and putting on their evil hats discussing the sabotage idease. And then it hit me (you know like the movies where you suddenly had this out of body experience...); i'm a bride. Shooooots! (ahaha, not yesss!).

Later in the day, i was praying and i felt God's assurance telling me that He's always with me... especially when we walk into the unknown, we never walk alone, because God's with us. In the same way, when i asked the question above to the Pastor (also my uncle!!)... part of his answer included this. With such immense feelings that i'm feeling, i'll have to admit that it's hard to go... aahhh okay God, this rocks. But i say i'll try :)

So to all brides out there who are feeling alittle confused, alittle off and definately very crazy right now, you are not alone. But remember the reason why you fell in love with the person you are about to spend the rest of your life with. Remember the moments that made your heart skip a beat... bask in them. And most importantly, remember that God, your family and your friends are with you through every step.

Here's a video that made me cry. It's beautiful because the couple's so real... but at the same time, it reminds me of the young love Isaiah and I share. Love that we'll celebrate in 18 days time :)

Pat & Ley Cinematic Wedding Trailer from Paper Cranes Productions on Vimeo.

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